What’ll happen to SCOAN after TB Joshua?

What’ll happen to SCOAN after TB Joshua?
By Kazeem Ugbodaga
The demise of the founder Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Prophet T.B. Joshua has left a new and challenging chapter in his church. Joshua’s ministry was anchored on miracles, deliverance, selling of anointing oil, among others.
The popular prophet kicked the bucket on Saturday. He was not sick according to people close to him.
His ministry transcended the boundary of Nigeria. People far and near thronged the Synagogue despite several criticisms from hostile Christian clerics and the rest.
The reason people came was that they believed they would get miracles and deliverance once they got to Joshua’s church. Indeed, many have testified to getting blessed and healed through Joshua’s ministry.
His Emmanuel TV is also anchored on broadcasting Joshua’s healing prowess, casting out demons, with strange ailments reportedly vanishing away. With the upsurge of miracles and many more on daily basis, the Synagogue raked in cool dollars, as Joshau’s fame soared abroad.
Presidents, governors, the high in the society, among others, have found solace in Synagogue. This has brought skyrocketing fame to Joshua’s ministry. The entire ministry is built around Joshua as the only ‘Superman’ dishing out the miracles to usher in revenues in dollars.
What happened now that the ‘Superman’ is gone? Does the Synagogue have a well built structural plan or succession plan? Who takes over since he has gone? Can that person fill the vacuum he left behind by dishing out arrays of miracles and deliverance to usher in the dollars? Will the scramble for properties by family member affect the ministry?
Is the ministry truly anchored in Jesus for another Joshua to emerge when a Moses has gone? Providing answers to these questions will determine if the ministry of Joshua will die out or outlive the founder. Almost 100 percent of worshippers at Synagogue are miracle seekers, but if the miracles dry out, the people are likely to seek alternatives. What if the dollars dry out, the fabric of the church will capitulate. The presidents, governors, tourists and expatriates and others will certainly withhold their dollars if they do not get value for their money. Just like the Bible says, ‘if the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do?’
If the ministry is anchored on a faulty foundation, it will collapse once the anchorman is gone. This is a crucial period in Synagogue’s history.
In the next few months, the success or demise of Joshua’s church will certainly be unveiled.