
Video: Boko Haram caught lying on Alpha jet crash

Video: Boko Haram caught lying on Alpha jet crash

Part of the wreckage of Nigerian Air Force Alpha jet
Part of the wreckage of Nigerian Air Force Alpha jet as seen in Boko Haram video

By Abankula

Did Boko Haram shoot down the Nigerian Air Force Alpha jet as the terrorists claimed in their propaganda video?

Or was the Alpha jet crash caused by mechanical fault?

A Swedish researcher, Hugo Kaaman, has exposed their lie in this 50 second video:

Kaaman said “Boko Haram took a 2012 video showing a SyAAF helicopter exploding mid-air over Idlib and superimposed it. Weak”.

“Just to be clear, the jet really crashed. It’s unclear whether this was due to hostile fire or technical issues.

“The wreckage can be seen in the same Boko Haram video.

“This video merely highlights Boko Haram’s fake footage of the shootdown itself”.

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