
Ugandan submissive guy, Onesmus, gets mocked as the picture of the lady, Immy, he knelt down to beg at school hostel is leaked on Twitter

Ugandan submissive guy, Onesmus, gets mocked as the picture of the lady, Immy, he knelt down to beg is leaked on Twitter.

In the trending video, Onesmus, is seen begging his girlfriend, Immy, to please have mercy on him and forgive him for his short comings.
The video has gone viral and it has caused stirs on social media as Ugandans are calling him a ‘simp’, while some are calling him a ‘submissive guy.’
According to information, the begging incident took place at his girlfriend’s hostel at a yet-to-be disclosed University in Uganda.
Reactions below :
Michael: When in wrong, you kneel down and apologize to your dear wife or girlfriend; there is nothing wrong about this. This guy is a gentleman.
I know many men kneel, the only difference is that they are not captured on camera.
A eggs: We just get to know that Onesmus is an OB to my friend Cynthia and while in their talk, he was so traumatized and planning to do bad to himself because he was alone in his rental. So we rushed there and first talked to him, though he really needs some psychological support.
Paul: The simping association of Uganda would love to distance themselves from the acts of Onesmus, how could he be that rude and disrespectful?
Who carries a backpack as they apologize?

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