There are calls for Queen Elizabeth II to be turned into a saint

There are calls for Queen Elizabeth II to be turned into a saint

Featured Image Credit: Simon Serdar / Alamy Stock Photo. Steve Taylor/SOPA Images/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News
There are calls for Queen Elizabeth II to be turned into a saint.
Roman Catholic peer Charles Moore has penned an op-ed in the Spectator Australia suggesting the late Monarch would be the perfect person to join the exclusive sainthood club.
For someone to become a saint, they must fulfil several big requirements.
First off, someone can’t normally become a saint until five years after their death, according to the BBC.
The individual proposed for sainthood also must show that they’ve been a ‘servant of God’, show proof of a life of ‘heroic virtue’, they have to have at least one miracle attributed to them.

They also need to have another miracle in their arsenal in order to get to the canonisation step of the sainthood application process.
Queen Elizabeth II very clearly lived a life of ‘heroic virtue’ as the longest serving monarch for the British Royal Family.
She dedicated her life to being on the throne and that is something that definitely isn’t up for debate.
Neither is her being a ‘servant of God’ considering she was the Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
But the miracle section; that’s where things get dubious.
Charles Moore believes the five-year window might allow for proof of two miracles.
“The world is already full of people who believe the late Queen cured them of this or that,” Moore wrote for the Spectator.
“As her cult grows, plenty of posthumous examples will come forward.”
He admits that the Church of England has ‘an odd position on sainthood’ in the sense that it accepts pre-Reformation canonisations ‘but has never tried to add to their number’.
The only exception to this rule was for King Charles the Martyr.

Moore said: “If it were minded to do so, this is its best possible moment to start.”
He added: “Admittedly, the person in all the world least likely to have approved of such a proceeding would have been Elizabeth herself.
“But then, the sort of person who wants to be a saint is the sort who must not be made one.”
It’s an interesting suggestion and one that obviously needs some time to develop over the next few years.
However, people on social media didn’t seem too thrilled with the idea.
One person wrote: “Welcome to stupidest take on the death of the Queen…”
Another added: “Erm…I think I see a potential hurdle.”
A third said: “I bet the Queen would be first in line to tell this article to f**k off.”
Well, that’s one take on it.