The end of the Elizabethan era – looking back at an extraordinary 70-year reign

The end of the Elizabethan era – looking back at an extraordinary 70-year reign

Watch this special ITV News piece looking back at Her Majesty’s 70-year reign, in pictures.
Today marked an end to the Elizabethan era – seventy years of enormous change for the country, with one constant – Queen Elizabeth II on the throne.
With her burial begins a new chapter in the country’s history, with a new monarch, King Charles III, beginning his reign.
For each of us, our memories of this period will be different to one another.
Some may most recall the 26-year-old Queen waving to the crowds from the balcony of Buckingham Palace on her coronation day.
Others will remember the familiar, beaming smile of a 96-year-old monarch sitting across a table from Paddington Bear.
Now she has left us, and the nation looks to the future.
But the images we have seen today – and over the past ten days of mourning, indeed, over the past seventy years, will remain with us.