
Signing of Grant Agreement with Senegal: Contributing to the improved safety and increased value of Senegalese fishery products through the construction of the National Analysis Laboratory

Signing of Grant Agreement with Senegal: Contributing to the improved safety and increased value of Senegalese fishery products through the construction of the National Analysis Laboratory

Signing of Grant Agreement with Senegal: Contributing to the improved safety and increased value of Senegalese fishery products through the construction of the National Analysis Laboratory

On December 26, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed a grant agreement with the Government of the Republic of Senegal in Dakar to provide grant aid of up to 1,542 million yen for the Project for the Construction of National Analysis Laboratory for Fishery Products.

Signing of Grant Agreement with Senegal: Contributing to the improved safety and increased value of Senegalese fishery products through the construction of the National Analysis Laboratory
Under this project, the National Analysis Laboratory will be constructed and the necessary testing equipment will be supplied in order to strengthen the inspection system for fishery products in Senegal. This will contribute to the improved safety and increased value of Senegalese fishery products, and will consequently promote and stabilize exports, therefore also contributing to the achievement of SDGs Goals 8 (Decent work and economic growth) and 14 (Life below water). This project will also contribute significantly to the TICAD8 mission “Realizing a resilient and sustainable society that safeguards people’s lives”, which was presented at the end of August this year.

Details for the project are provided below.

[Basic project information]
Country Republic of Senegal
Project title The Project for the Construction of National Analysis Laboratory for Fishery Products
Planned implementation period 24 months, including detailed design work and the bidding period
Executing agency Direction des Industries de Transformation de la Pêche (DITP) and Laboratoire d’Analyse des Produits de la Pêche et de l’Aquaculture
Target region, facilities Diamniadio, Dakar
Specific project details (provisional) ①Facility construction/equipment procurement
【Facility】 Main building of the National Analysis Laboratory, Related facilities (total floor area of 2,507m2)
【Equipment】 Sensory testing equipment, microbial testing equipment, chemical testing equipment, and various other inspection equipment

②Consulting services
Detailed design work, bidding assistance, construction/procurement supervision etc.


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