Security Council Sanctions Committee concerning South Sudan Discusses Final Report of Panel of Experts

Security Council Sanctions Committee concerning South Sudan Discusses Final Report of Panel of Experts
On 22 April, the Panel of Experts on South Sudan briefed the members of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 2206 (2015) in connection with the Panel’s final report, which was submitted in pursuance of paragraph 17 of resolution 2577 (2021).
During the briefing, the Coordinator of the Panel of Experts provided an overview of the findings and recommendations contained in the Panel’s report. In his statement, the Coordinator noted that the Panel had sought in the report to acknowledge the progress that had been made by South Sudan’s leaders in the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan, while also being pragmatic about the challenges that continue to face the majority of the country’s population, including the subnational violence and unfolding humanitarian crisis.
Following the Coordinator’s briefing, members of the Committee asked questions and exchanged views with members of the Panel regarding the findings contained in the final report.