Sammie Okposo Vows Never To Let Adultery Get The Better Of Him Again

Sammie Okposo Vows Never To Let Adultery Get The Better Of Him Again

February 03, (THEWILL) – TEmbattled gospel singer, Sammie Okposo has taken to his Instagram to make a promise never to commit adultery ever again.
The singer in a lengthy post says he regrets his actions and stated that he wished that it didn’t happen. But he has moved on and wouldn’t allow his mistake to define who he is or to stop him from doing what he loves the most, which is singing.
“Some believe that God moves in our lives positively and blesses us only when we are worthy and do everything just right. Many have wrongfully conditioned God’s blessings only when we do good.
“It is not so, God is good all the time. God already provided forgiveness for all our mistakes, even before the thought of it. Please note here that the availability of God’s grace, blessings is not a license to continue to sin.
“Rom 6 vs 2 tells us, Christ died to free us from sin so shall we then continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid.
“Yes I made a mistake, I wish it did not happen. I am not so pleased with myself and it will never happen again by God’s grace.
“What I will not do is allow a mistake and inconsequential opinion define me. I am only who God says I am. I will not stop singing to God and singing about God.”
“I will not stop praising and worshipping God. I will not stop talking about the love of God in Christ. God is not angry with me and he is not in a bad mood because of me or my mistake.In God I live, move and have my being. God will continue to be glorified in my life.”