Reason I can’t marry my kids’ father –Lizzy Gold, actress

Reason I can’t marry my kids’ father –Lizzy Gold, actress

By Christian Agadibe
Nollywood diva, Lizzy Gold, went down memory lane to narrate her journey to stardom, against all odds. She also opened up on why she finds it difficult to marry her baby daddy. Please enjoy the interview.
How was your rise to stardom and the sacrifices that came with it?
I went to an acting school in Lagos owned by Emem Isong. Later, I came to the east and started working with a female producer known as Uche Nancy. Then I started producing my own movies. But whenever I produce movies, I don’t usually use my name. So, all along, I was using a producer’s name, who was like a brother to me. His name is Jonas. I used his name to push my production. The most important thing is I started producing my own movies; I single handedly projected myself. There’s this movie called ‘Princess Olivia’ that I produced three years ago. When the movie came out, lots of people loved it and everyone wanted Lizzy Gold to be in their movies. That’s how Lizzy Gold became a brand.
Talking about sacrifices, sometimes producers refused to pay, saying my face was not popular enough and therefore I won’t sell movies. But I didn’t let that bother me because I was very focused. I had a goal and was very passionate about filmmaking. Nobody paid me a dime for so many years of acting. It was later that producers started paying me small, small money. But when my movie came out and became a hit, I started making good money. The money I’m making now can pay my bills and other people’s bills. I am very comfortable.
How were you able to combine acting and movie production?
I stand in as an executive producer. Before now, I used to produce movies on my own, but I noticed it gave me lots of stress. So, I had to do division of labour. I would just call an associate producer and ask how much would it take to do a script. Then I would go there as an actress and act.
Acting and producing, which one do you cherish most?
I cherish both, but producing gives me bulk money.
What are the things you don’t like about movie production, especially managing celebrities like you on set?
I have an associate producer who manages artistes on set. His job is to talk to artistes on set. My own is to act. I really don’t go through stress, except maybe when an artiste is being reluctant then I have to go talk to the artiste and we sort things out.
Has there been a case where you had to open up and let everyone know that this is your production and so nobody should mess it up?
Yes, sometimes. There’s been a case of artistes coming in very late. The associate producer would talk to the artiste, but the artiste won’t respond, so he’ll bring it to my attention and I’ll sort it out. Aside that, everyone would be well behaved because they knew it’s my production. But I have come to that level where I don’t hide anymore as a producer. Now, I let everyone know it’s my production.
Has there been any movie you boycott because you have an issue with one of the actors?
I like people that are very passionate about their job and come to work early and go home early. So, if you are sluggish on set, I might just avoid the job. If you give trouble on set, I would just boycott the movie, I won’t do it. I really don’t have issue with any artist except maybe some of them have beef with me that I don’t know of.
What were the initial challenges when you started and how were you able to overcome them?
A lot of producers were not paying me and they didn’t believe in me. They would give me small roles. Even, when I asked them to take a risk and give me sub–lead roles, they would refuse, saying my face doesn’t sell movies. So, I started producing my own movies and I would give myself lead and sub-lead roles. That was what projected me. Also, I never experienced any sexual harassment. The only challenge I had was that producers didn’t believe in me.
So, one can safely say you’ve paid your dues.
Yes, I paid my dues with my full chest. I didn’t jump staircase; I climbed it gradually. I am 10 years in Nollywood; it’s not a child’s play.
What were the lessons you learnt in your humble beginnings?
I was very patient. Some of my friends I started with are no longer in the movie industry, because they were not patient. They became frustrated especially that period we were not being paid. One day, I was on set of a movie and the director said if this movie didn’t sell, Lizzy Gold would go back to the village. But the funny part was that the movie didn’t make me popular. I just kept on pushing; I was patient and I didn’t give up until I did a movie that made me blow. However, that same director that made that side comment has been calling me for a job, but I’ve not had time to go.
What would you say contributed largely to your success in the industry?
I first of all went to an acting school, so I came prepared. It’s just like going to the farm with a hoe and cutlass. I played my role like it’s the last role on earth. I put in my best while I played a role. I listened to directors a lot, which was very important to me, and I put up a good behavior. I acted in front of my mirror every day. In those days when I heard some actresses were earning N500,000, I was like ‘how do these people get to this level?” But by God’s grace, I earn more than that now.
What other things do you do aside acting?
Acting is a very jealous job. It takes up your time. We don’t usually rest. We work every day except if I decide to rest. For instance, this month of April, I’ll rest because I want to get back my sanity.
When your parents found out your choice of career, what were their initial reactions?
My mom is a very strong, religious woman. She’s an Anglican and an evangelist. So, she never liked this acting of a thing. There was a movie she saw me smoking and she started screaming ‘Jesus, Jesus’. She would ask why you are wearing trousers in movies. She wasn’t happy then, but now that acting pays my bills, she doesn’t ask me such questions anymore.
Did you see yourself becoming this popular at the beginning?
No, I never believed I would be famous, because producers didn’t believe in me. People told me it’s not easy to be a star. Yes, it’s not easy. At a point, I almost gave up. In fact, one year, I said to myself ‘if I don’t make it, I would go back home’.
What did you do right to get to where you are today?
After I made ‘Princess Olivia’, which was a hit in the market, on YouTube and everywhere, many marketers wanted to work with me. I could have like 10 marketers calling me at the same time. And then I’m like ‘Oh… I don blow’
What’s your net worth?
I don’t know (laughter). Please, there’s no security in Nigeria or do you want them to kidnap me.
Has fame deprived you of anything?
Yes, obviously. I can’t go to the market anymore. I can only go to the mall and they tend to double the price because I am a famous actress.
How does society perceive you as an actress?
Whenever people see us, they are always happy. I think society appreciates our work very much. Sometimes, fans buy us gifts.
What’s your most embarrassing moment as an actress?
I would not say it was embarrassing probably because I misunderstood the situation. I was going to my car one day when I saw a woman who looked unkempt; she ran towards me, calling me the name of a character I played in a movie. She grabbed me and I had to run. I thought she was mad but the people at the other side of the road said she’s just a fan.
Would you say that’s the craziest thing a fan has ever done to you?
It did not even happen as calmly as how I said it. The woman was very much aggressive. She was quite old. And she chased me as I ran to my car, grabbing my hand, seizing my dress and screaming. I thought she wanted to hurt me. People then said that she’s just a fan, that she had watched my movies. I think it’s just a way of expressing her love to me.
Have you been sexually harassed by anyone in the movie industry?
Like I said earlier, I started my acting career with a female producer. So, nobody had the time to ask me that. I didn’t have such experience from any director or producer in the industry.
What’s your advice to young, aspiring actresses that want to be famous like you?
You must be patient. You cannot start acting today and say you want to blow tomorrow. That’s not possible. Even if you become popular very fast, your stardom won’t last. Most popular actresses you see now started from somewhere. Also, your attitude determines your altitude. If you have attitude problems, you won’t get anywhere. Be very respectful. Respect your colleagues. Avoid gossip. Keep working on improving your acting skills, and you will be okay.
What movie would you do that would make you feel successful?
It’s when I start doing Netflix movies. I intend to go very high. I want to win an Oscar.
Are you single or married?
I am very much single.
But you have two kids already…
Yes, I have two kids but I’m not married. The reason I’m not married is because I’m psychologically not ready for it. I like my space. I have never stayed with a man more than a week before. The highest number of days I spent with a man since I was born, even with the father of my kids, was six days. I get irritated when I share space with a man for a long time. I don’t know if there are other people like me out there. I could be missing you but once I stay with you for like three days, I’m already done; I’m already getting irritated. I like my space a lot. I like a situation whereby if I’m in a relationship, or even if I decide to get married, the man should be very far away from me. We can see maybe twice in a month, and when we see, it should just be for a limited number of days, probably like three to four days. I’m okay with that. Maybe it’s because of my busy schedule; I can’t stand being with a man all the time. I don’t know. I just love my privacy; I like my space a lot.
There was a time my mother took me to a pastor in her church, an Anglican priest that he should pray for me, that I don’t want to get married. I told her it’s all about me. Even if the man of God prays from now till tomorrow, it will not change anything. Maybe, with time, it will change but for now, I’m psychologically not ready for marriage. The father of my kids is a very nice person. He wants us to get married but I am not ready
Who’s the man?
I’m in a relationship but I keep it very private, because I’m a private person. He’s not anywhere on the Internet.
What’s your ideal man?
I don’t like a man that does red or pink lips. I don’t like men that sag their trousers or make their hair or have tattoos on their bodies. For me, it makes them look irresponsible. I like a very matured, neat and responsible man. I also don’t like a man that’s very conscious of the mirror or that rubs powder. I also don’t like a social media man. I can’t even date a young man. I like very matured men that are seven or ten years older than me.
Could that be that you’re from a religious home that’s why you don’t like such men?
Far from it, my younger brother has tattoos all over his body. I really don’t have anything against it. It’s just that even if the man is responsible such things make them look irresponsible to me. That’s just my person.
How would you handle a man that asks you to quit acting because of marriage?
First of all, I can never marry a man that doesn’t like what I do and tells me to quit. I can’t do that. And that’s why I said I couldn’t marry now because I am always on the road. I would want to relax and think very well before I think of marriage so that I can always be around to take care of my husband. But, of course, I want to get married someday.
Is there any movie role you can’t play, like a gay role?
If you give me such scripts, I can’t play them because I am not comfortable with such roles.
Who is your role model in the movie industry? Could it be Angelina Jolie because of the kind of roles you play?
You just said it. My role model is actually Angelina Jolie. But in Nollywood, I would say I am my own role model. I don’t try to be like anyone, I do me on set.