
Princess Diana and King Charles Looked ‘Relaxed and Happy’ While Visiting Spanish Royals in 1986 Says Body Language Expert

Princess Diana and King Charles Looked ‘Relaxed and Happy’ While Visiting Spanish Royals in 1986 Says Body Language Expert

Princess Diana and King Charles often looked unhappy in their photos together when they were married. However, one body language expert says there was a rare time when the former couple looked “relaxed and happy.” This was during their 1986 trip to visit the Spanish royals. Here’s what the expert noticed about their interaction.

Princess Diana and King Charles’ visit with the Spanish royals

Princess Diana and King Charles spend time with the King of Spain in 1986.
Princess Diana, King Charles, King Juan Carlos and others | John Shelley Collection/Avalon/Getty Images

Back in 1986, Charles and Diana accepted an invitation from Juan Carlos, the former king of Spain and his wife, Queen Sofia (a cousin of King Charles, formerly known as Princess Sofia of Greece). That summer, they (along with Prince Harry and Prince William) spent time in Majorca, the Balearic Islands.

The couples managed to enjoy time together, even after the king and queen boycotted Diana and Charles’ 1981 wedding. “King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain did not attend the wedding because Charles and Diana planned to board the Royal Yacht Britannia for their honeymoon in Gibraltar, which had been British territory since 1704 but was claimed by Spain,” historian Carolyn Harris tells

Diana and Charles looked ‘relaxed and happy’ says a body language expert

According to body language expert Judi James, Charles and Diana looked most “relaxed and happy” during their trip to Spain. They seemed to be enjoying themselves.

“Some of the most relaxed and happy poses from Diana and her two boys came from a holiday she and Charles took in Spain as guests of King Carlos and Queen Sofia,” James tells Express. She says the friendliness between Charles and Juan Carlos’ family has carried over through the years. “Now we are seeing an equally relaxed-looking friendship between Charles and Juan Carlos’s son King Felipe,” James adds.

James says the Spanish royal family always had a close bond with the British royal family. “The Spanish royals always seemed to behave like fond, close family to Diana, William and Harry, and there are signals of fondness in these poses,” James tells the publication.

There were rumors of an affair between Princess Diana and King Juan Carlos

Princess Diana and King Juan Carlos of Spain talk during a 1987 visit.
Princess Diana and King Juan Carlos of Spain | David Levenson/Getty Images

There were rumors Princess Diana and King Juan Carlos had an affair. Author Pilar Eyre claims in her book that Juan Carlos slept with more than 1,500 women, reports The Sunday Times. According to her, Diana was one of them.

Later, rumors increased after photos of Diana “in a state of undress” began to appear, according to The Sunday Times. The photos were shopped to different publications but were later removed from the market after someone in Spain paid $45,000 for them, says the publication. It is believed that person was Juan Carlos, who allegedly tried to protect the Princess of Wales.

Royal biographer Lady Colin Campbell claims Diana and Juan Carlos had an affair during an August 1986 cruise. “Diana did it to make Charles jealous, but it didn’t work,” Campbell tells the publication. “Charles couldn’t have cared less.”

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