
Obi-Datti Campaign Team Unveils Book On Peter Obi, Business Unusual

Obi-Datti Campaign Team Unveils Book On Peter Obi, Business Unusual

ABUJA – Efforts to boost the financial strength of the Peter Obi and Dat­ti Baba-Ahmed presidential cam­paigns has seen a group of publish­ers in the Obi-Datti campaign team unveiling a book entitled ‘Business Unusual’.

The book published by Dasoul Media is a postulation of Peter Obi’s administration and how he would impact society if voted into power.

Chairman Dasoul Media Ed­itorial Board, Mr. Joe Bankole, at a pre-order public notification in Abuja on Monday, noted that funds realised from the sale of the books would be used to settle expendi­tures incurred during campaign and election, if Obi eventually be­comes president.

Bankole said there was need for every patriotic Nigerian to channel effort at advancing the political for­tunes of the country and overcome its self-inflicted problems.

“In view of what Nigerians have experienced at the hands of politicians who have largely disappointed them over the past four decades, Nigerians must be sensitised on this book and what it brings on board the Nigerian political journey.

“The book interrogates the per­son of Peter Obi to reveal indeed that he embodies what it requires to ultimately get the people’s over­whelming mandate to become the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

“It provides a bird’s-eye view of the virtues found in Obi that are common with every great presi­dent such as a strong vision for the country’s future, ability to put their perspective of history into gover­nance at the national level and ef­fective communication skills.

“Also, it portrays his ability and courage to make effective de­cisions, crisis management skills, character and integrity, wise ap­pointments and ability to work smoothly with the parliament.”

According to Bankole, the book provides a scintillating survey of the meaning of the truth and in­sight into what makes Obi a better candidate, and his experience in corporate Nigeria as well as polit­ical administration in Anambra State.

Bankole also said that the book gives insight into Obi’s take on se­curity as a priority to national de­velopment and the organic birth of the Obi-dient movement.

“The book also gives insight into the oath of office/inaugura­tion ceremonies, and postulations as to what Nigerians should expect in Obi’s first 100 days as president as well as his exceptional leader­ship qualities.

“The book is a collection of ver­ifiable evidence, collective perspec­tives of what has now evolved into the political revolution christened the Obi-dient Movement, docu­mentation of insightful conversa­tions with Peter Obi, his political party, and what they also term to be his shadow cabinet.

“Divided into twelve chapters, the book details the rich profile of Obi, his estate, his businesses, foot­prints in corporate Nigeria, key support instruments for private sector growth, and takeaway expe­riences that can impact his tenure as president,” Bankole reiterated.

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