Nancy Isime celebrated by Hip TV following her exit after 7-years of being a presenter [Photos/video]

Nancy Isime celebrated by Hip TV following her exit after 7-years of being a presenter [Photos/video]

Nancy Isime, a well-known media figure in Nigeria, was honored by Hip TV after she left her position as Trending’s presenter after seven years.
Nancy Isime, who recently earned a doctorate, posted pictures and videos of the celebrations on her verified Instagram page.
Following her departure, Nancy Isime was replaced as the host of Hip TV’s Trending program by reality television sensation Kim Oprah.
However, Nancy Isime expresses her gratitude to the CEO, Ayo Animashaun, the entire HipTV Family, and the Trending Squad for treating her with the utmost respect throughout her seven years as a presenter.
She wrote; “So, after 7years of being Trending on HipTV Presenter, I took a bow recently. Sigh, where do I even start from🥹 Hosting Trending for 7years remains one of the biggest blessings of my Life! Whilst there were undeniable ups and downs, the Ups outweighs the downs so much I don’t even remember them.
I want to thank my entire HipTV Family and Trending Squad for being the best guys to me the entire time❤️
Thank you for all the laughs we shared together and never getting offended when I decide to yab you unprovoked😅 or even on my Diva days.
I was only the face, you guys were the engine!
Mr Ladi & Lincoln 001 aren’t in these slides but if you’re reading this…Thank you!❤️To my very first producer @style_territory and my last producer @tolla_okodugha ,You made my job the easiest and I always felt safe with you.
I don’t take all of your kind gestures for granted. Thank you!❤️.To my able ED @adeseun05 , thank you Ma’am for always having my back, for your endless support and for being the absolute sweetest boss to me❤️
Last but not least, I want to publicly thank my Boss of life @ayoanimashaun for being one of the best people in my corner both at work and outside work.
Mr Ayo speaks life and light into me every single time.
You really are in my corner Mr Ayo and you’re not afraid/shy to let the whole world know.
You celebrate me every chance you get and will throw in your weight in every area needed even when I’m not in the know.
You are more than my Boss, You are my friend, My Big Brother, My Uncle, A huge supporter and A mentor!
I’ll miss terrorizing you and packing all the goodies in your office simply because… I can 🤷🏼♀️😂
Thank you so much for everything Mr Ayo.I’m SO grateful for the opportunity to serve🙏🏽
To my Kimmy Pie @kimoprah , Trending is my Baby. Please take care of her.
My prayer is that Trending will be Good to you and that you’ll be accepted by Lovers of this great show❤️
Like I said to you, there are no shoes to fill, I took mine with me. Bring yours with you and make this show, Yours!
Congratulations again and best of Luck💋This isn’t goodbye to HipTV, I remain a staff till I’m old and grey.
See you guys later❤️.”