
Maiduguri Flood: Over 150,000 Children In Dire Need Of Aid — SCI

 Save the Children Interna­tional (SCI) Nigeria says that over 150,000 children have been displaced by flooding in Borno State and are in dire need of human­itarian assistance.

The Country Director of SCI, Duncan Harvey, made the disclosure on Wednesday in Abuja while briefing newsmen about his visit to Maiduguri to evaluate the situation and pro­vide assistance to the affected population.

He said that over 300,000 peo­ple had been registered in at least 26 relocation sites as of Septem­ber 14, adding that up to 30 sites had been set up, while registra­tion was ongoing.

He said, “So we can estimate that around 150,000 of the people living in those camps are children, and therefore that’s a very real cause of concern. We need to pro­tect those children, provide them with health and nutrition, make sure they have access to clean wa­ter, and also ensure that they have appropriate care in place.”

He said more than 400,000 per­sons were affected by the floods in the state with 37 deaths and 58 people injured.

He said Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps were over­crowded and unsanitary, noting that the scale of partners’ ser­vices was not keeping up with the numbers.

The SCI country director said that the flooding happened at the height of a food and nutrition cri­ses, lamenting that “in addition to the immediate need for food and clean water for IDPs, water-borne diseases and malaria are major risks. Open defecation in the camps is widespread.”

He called on Borno State and the Federal Governments to en­sure that humanitarian actors are supported and encouraged with enabling approaches and systems that help speed up re­sponse programme for children, families and communities in ur­gent need.

He said SCI was providing urgent rescue service, life-sav­ing response and rehabilitation for the affected communities in the state.

“SCI’s urgent response plan to the crises includes but not limited to Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) to the affect­ed households, setting up health and nutrition outreach services to the affected households, reha­bilitation of sanitation facilities, and conducting hygiene promo­tion and community awareness, child protection in emergencies through setting up mental health and psychosocial support (MH­PSS) help desk to provide psycho­logical first aid and psychological support to children and caregiv­ers in the camp among others,” Harvey said.

He stated that SCI was also working in collaboration with the state government and other humanitarian actors.

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