Kuwait underscores alignment to international laws at UNHRC

Kuwait underscores alignment to international laws at UNHRC

GENEVA: Kuwait, during its participation in the 51st session of the UN Human Rights Council, has emphasized on the necessity of adopting stances based on international laws and balanced policies.
The Kuwaiti delegation during the session, followed closely on the deliberations that had lasted for four weeks, contributing effectively to the tasks discussed among the political and regional groups, said Ambassador Nasser Al-Hayen, Kuwait’s Permanent Delegate at the UN and International organizations.
In a statement to KUNA after the session, Al-Hayen said that the Kuwaiti diplomats, in coordination with their GCC peers, prepared data regarding diverse issues that had been put on the table and addressed the conferees about the status of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, Syria and Yemen.
The council also decided to extend the mandate of the rapporteurs concerned with the rights of the elderly, the nations’ right to achieve development and also issues regarding access to drinkable water. He also underscored the significance of the international educational program in human rights, journalists’ safety, protection of the global democratic order, the rule of laws and support of the rights of youth.
Al-Hayen praised the council’s approval of a recommendation calling for boosting the governments’ capacities to integrate human rights in all their tasks and limiting any breaches of these rights. In conclusion, he underlined Kuwait’s balanced policies in support of peace and peaceful settlements as a sole means for resolving conflicts worldwide. – KUNA