Kanye West says anti-Semitic comment was misconstrued, claims Jews are in charge of entertainment corporations (VIDEO)

Kanye West says anti-Semitic comment was misconstrued, claims Jews are in charge of entertainment corporations (VIDEO)

American recording artiste, Kanye West has opined that most entertainment corporations are led by the Jews.
The award-winning American musician and entertainer on Friday addressed paparazzi and photojournalists in a lengthy conversation where he turned his phone toward the cameras to show onlookers the number of Jews currently in positions of power across the field of media.
Their names weren’t visible, so it was impossible to verify West’s claims.
Kanye West named businesses including Disney, Paramount, USA Today and the Los Angeles Times as among those with Jewish staff members working at their highest echelons.
Claims of powerful Jews controlling industries is a common anti-Semitic trope that has long been used to stoke prejudice against Jewish people.
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As he spoke with the press Friday, West said that he had not formerly understood that it was anti-Semitic to observe that many of the business associates with whom he works and under his employ are Jewish.
‘I didn’t realize that it was anti-Semitic to say hey you know, I have a Jewish attorney, I have a Jewish record label, I have a Jewish contractor,’ he said after reading out a definition of the term antisemitism.
When he was then asked if he should walk back some of his comments, he pulled out the list of executives and began reading the names of companies at which Jewish executives are employed.
‘The red are the executives that are Jewish at these companies,’ he said of the list on which most names are highlighted in red.