If I were a girl, 50 mistakes I’d not make – Author

If I were a girl, 50 mistakes I’d not make – Author
‘If I Were a Girl, 50 mistakes I would not make,’ is a book that offers insight into the mistakes the female gender needs to avoid in their relationships.
Authored by Olaotan Fawehinmi, the book, which was published by Jotham Publishing, highlights 50 pitfalls that should be avoided before embarking on the relationship and marriage journey. It also gives salient advice to tackling these pitfalls.
The book, primarily directed towards the female gender, serves as a guide for those who want to maintain a healthy relationship by having a deeper understanding of how best to make the other party feel special.
Divided into 50 chapters, the book begins by noting the indispensable roles women play in society, especially in the lives of men.
Fawehinmi addresses the tendency of many thinking he is chauvinistic because of his viewpoint, stating that the sole aim of the book was to point out the noticeable mistakes both genders make in their relationships.
He also identifies ways in which both parties can work on themselves to experience the desired changes they want to see in their relationships or marriage.
In each chapter, the author inputs quotes which are very in tune with what has been previously discussed, hence making the reader see the wisdom in the stated advice.
There is also a noticeable brevity to each chapter which makes it easy to digest and shows that the author wants to retain the attention of his readers and not lose them to verbosity.
However, the points noted in the book seem to be too concise; for a topic as delicate as relationship, there is a need for the author to break down that which he intends the readers to understand.
The author may have his reasons for having it that way but he would have elaborated more on the points in the book to make his thoughts come out clearer.
The book is a relatable read. It is one that serves as a guide to both genders but especially the female gender aspiring to having a long lasting and fulfilling relationship.