Harare master plan 3 decades behind

Harare master plan 3 decades behind

MDC-led Harare City Council is operating with a master plan that is at least three decades behind with the city reluctant to produce a latest one.
The last master plan was in 1993 when Zanu PF was still running the city’s affairs. Since the MDC took charge of Harare, it has never produced any.
Lack of a master plan has over the past two decades led to haphazard planning of the city as corrupt MDC officials were allocating stands in wetlands and land reserved for social amenities.
Speaking during a virtual meeting organised by the Harare Wetlands Trust this afternoon, city planner Dr Percy Toriro said residents can demand an updated city master plan that resonates with the current challenges.
Dr Toriro blamed the flooding of houses built on wetlands solely on poor planning by council officials that are permitting the construction of structures in wetlands.
Residents in Harare and Chitungwiza suburbs were recently left counting loses after their houses were flooded to knee level.