Gotham Knights, Suicide Squad, and Hogwarts Legacy won’t be at E3 2021

Gotham Knights, Suicide Squad, and Hogwarts Legacy won’t be at E3 2021

Just about everyone in the gaming industry is hot to trot and ready to show off some new games this year, but one publisher that won’t have much to share? Warner Bros. Interactive, as a spokesperson confirmed to TechRadar that Gotham Knights, Hogwarts Legacy, and Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League won’t be popping up at E3 this year. Boo, boo-urns.
That trio of games was revealed last year, with Gotham Knights originally being scheduled to launch later this year before the crushing weight of reality slapped that optimistic launch into the far-off region of 2022 instead. It’s not all bad news though! Back 4 Blood, the spiritual successor to Left 4 Dead that is starting to shape up nicely, will be making an appearance this week.
It’s likely that Warner Bros. is saving its biggest guns for the upcoming DC Fandome event on October 16, which is where the Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad games were revealed originally. That, and the company’s recent merger with Discovery has probably thrown a few spanners into the gears of the video game division, that need to be sorted out.
Ubisoft is also scaling back its plans slightly, as the Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake won’t be at Ubisoft Forward. After being heavily delayed earlier this year, I guess you could say that the game ran out of time. Haw. There’s also Koch Media, which confirmed that Saints Row, TimeSplitters, Dead island, and Metro won’t be around for the deluge of world premieres this year at E3.
It’s not like there’ll be a shortage of games though, as a number of other big players in the scene are all locked and loaded for the mad weekend ahead.