God’s Blessing are gifts from God that brings happiness, peace, comfort and the kingdom of heaven in our lives. God’s Blessing mean the experiencing of divine kindness, special favor, mercy or goodness from God.
Purity is set out to be the condition, state or quality of being pure; freedom from anything that debases, contaminate, pollutes etc.,
The most significant benefit of purity is that, it allows you entrance into God’s presence and gain of unending access to realm of possibilities and supplies from the throne of grace.
“Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God” (Matt 5:8). The pure in heart are opportune to see God coming. through for them anytime, any day, anywhere.
God not being a waster of resources, has always been intentional about those who are genuinely interested in Him. He said come near and He will come near. James 4:8.
Spiritual purity begins with Jesus Christ. We were all born into sin, which means we all have sinful natures that we are enslaved to from birth. So as sinners, slaves to the sinful nature, it is impossible to be spiritually pure without Christ. In fact, sinfulness is spiritual impurity.
Purity is access to God’s presence (Blessing). That’s is to say, its directly proportionate or attached to your blessings. “He that dwell in the secret place of the most high abide under the shadows of the almighty” Psalms 91:1.
In the words of pastor Walter O. Zach, he stated that every of God’s Blessing comes with a condition, with reference to Deut. 28:1.
We can use the subject matter: “God’s Blessing Is Attached To Purity” from economic standpoint to derive an economic theory or model.
In other to do that, some basic terms are necessary. Terms like Variables, dependent variables and independent variable.
Variables are any well-defined item, that can take on various specific values. Such as price, income, blessing, purity etc., That’s to say; blessing and purity are all variables.
The Dependent variables are simply manipulators, influencers, determinant, always happen first etc., while the Independent Variables are the effects, result or outcome of changing, determined, the later etc.,
Therefore, by implications, purity happened to be the Independent Variable (determinant) while blessing is the dependent variable (determined).
By application of the above analysis, without mincing words, the theory or model should state that;
Your demand for purity influences the supply of your blessings.
From the above it shows that it is your demand, importunity or craving for purity that determine your blessings from God. It is purity that produces long lasting blessings.
It was on this fact that the servant of God, Pst Walter O. Zach postulated that “Purity produces pure power (PPPP)”.
If you seek God’s blessings of any kind, seek purity because God’s blessing is attached to purity.
All blessings enjoyed or experienced by humanity came from God through men to men. For instance, God hasn’t physically taken part in your production, distribution, or any of your business transactions or investment processes that brought about the profits accrued in your organization but you and your team did.
But all of those activities are of no or less benefits if God’s hands are not on them. Deut. 8:17-18, Rom.9:16.
So, God makes all of those time and chances, opportunities and people at your disposal for your benefits, they are all God’s doing and sincerely speaking, they are marvelous in our eyes. Psalms 118:23.
Purity is not all about sexuality. Purity is entire state of the mind, spirit, soul and body.
Spiritual purity is being free, from sins or denying the sinful nature and living by the spirit of God through wholehearted submission to God. Matt 5:8, 2Coriths 7:1, Rom 8:13-14, Luke 6:45, Prov4:23.
Spiritual purity is not only the foundation upon which all the other areas of purity are fixed, it is also the culmination of all the other areas. In other words, no one can be pure in any area unless he or she is spiritually pure first.
· Purity is about wholeness. 1chron 28:9
· Purity is about devotion. James 4:14
· Purity is about diligence. Prov 4:23
· Purity is about Christ. Heb 12:2
Purity is the gatekeeper for everything precious and blissful in God’s kingdom.
If you need the precious, blissful and the riches and glory that’s in God then attain purity to obtain them.
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you” Matt 6:33.
Using Joseph life as a practical case study of this subject matter; God’s Blessing Is Attached To Purity. Genesis 37:1-4; 39:1-6; 41:37-49
Joseph was not just blessed/rewarded for his purity, but he was a blessing to his entire household and a whole blessing to his dispensation as results of his wholeness and diligence.
· MORAL PURITY – Right from his father’s house with his brethren Joseph was known for honesty and integrity. Gen37:2
· SEXUAL PURITY – Joseph case of sexual purity wasn’t just a matter of urge to satisfy but a free offer with some possible benefits. Doing that with the boss’s wife will possibly give him some edge, access or promotion in and around but he rejected without hesitation. Gen 39:7-12
· LEADERSHIP AND FINANCIAL PURITY – There’s nowhere that recorded Joseph’s abuse of opportunity, power and finance from the time his master made him overseer over his house, to when the prisoners were committed into his hands, even dated to when he was made the second in command after Pharaoh. Gen 39:20-23; 41:46-49
Purity or impurity depends on oneself. No one can purify another. And it is the key/formula to all you can receive from God. “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God”. Matt5:8.