
Funke Akindele-Bello, Bimbo Akintola, Kate Henshaw, MI Abaga, other celebrities reveal 2021 plans

Funke Akindele-Bello, Bimbo Akintola, Kate Henshaw, MI Abaga, other celebrities reveal 2021 plans

The year 2020 has really been a tough one for Nigerians, as well as the world at large, irrespective of one’s social status. As the year ends, citizens of the world are breathing a sigh of relief as they have high hopes for 2021.

In separate interviews with The PUNCH, some popular Nigerian celebrities look back at 2020 as they share their plans for 2021, ADEMOLA OLONILUA writes.

Funke Akindele-Bello

In the year 2020, I was faced with a lot of challenges, but I thank God that I was able to scale through them. It was a year that I learnt how to be patient regardless of the situation and accept my fate, as well as moving forward in life.

Whatever they throw at you, just take it and use it to your advantage. It was a year of reflection, taking things easy and slowing down, being prayerful and taking a day at a time. That is what the year 2020 was for me.

My plans for 2021 include churning out good content. I would not want to divulge major ones but we have Aiyetoro Town, Mama Put, which is a series, and other movies coming up. I will not want to reveal the major one.

For me, 2021 will be a year that I will be more patient and make life easier. I will have more time for family; that is majorly my plan. My New Year resolution for 2021 will be to take things easier and rest more. I will listen more and talk less.

MI Abaga

The year 2020 was rough; it has so much that has been left behind. So many people died; but in 2021, hopefully, we start to pick up from the ashes and start to move forward on many fronts ― both politically, economically.

For those that lost people in 2020; we remember the farmers that were beheaded in the North; I hope we heal from all what happened in 2020.

In 2021, I hope to move forward. I am going to put new music out and keep moving forward with my record label. I do not really have so many concrete plans. Also, I do not have a New Year’s resolution. Some years, I have; but as for 2021, I do not have any.

Kate Henshaw

The year 2020 was hard for everyone all over the world. There was no difference for celebrities as everyone was hit.

I lost people in 2020 and that was the hardest one for me. I lost people that I knew; some of my friends died till some days ago and that is the worst part for me, not even the fact that COVID-19 affected my work. The worst part for me was that I lost people.

In 2021, I just want to maintain my good relationship with people because I have found out that ‘it is people that are wealth.’ I want to have more collaboration with good people. That is basically it.

Also, I have a new series that we started shooting in October ― Survivor’s Guilt. We took a break but we will continue in the New Year. Personally, I do not believe in making New Year resolutions. I will just continue what I am doing and improve on it. I just have daily gratitude.

Fred Amata

For me, 2020 was a year born with a lot of hopes and aspirations, especially as the President of the Directors Guild of Nigeria. We were on track to a major celebration, but it was abruptly stopped.
The celebration was supposed to be in April; we had done everything, but alas, the lockdown was in March ― just after our press conference, which announced our activities.  Somehow, in 2020, we were never able to get back on the streets.

As for me, it ended with the death of a very close friend, brother and filmmaker, Chico Ejiro.
Despite the huge pitfalls of 2020, I am optimistic that 2021 will be an improvement and it will take us back to a better understanding and a better year. We give glory to God for 2020 but look forward to a better 2021.

My 2021 starts with handing over as the president of DGN and also going back to my primary vocation which is film making. I will come out with new movies. A long time ago I stopped making New Year resolutions, so, I do not have any.

Foluke Daramola-Salako

2020 was challenging, interesting but fruitful for me. The reason I said it was fruitful for me is because when the lockdown started, I just got back from the United States.

When I came back, the COVID-19 pandemic started, but God afforded me the time to do what I love to do best, which is giving. I was able to distribute the little that I had and the ones I got from the government.

I had the chance to appreciate God and bless others in my own little way. Later, the protest and COVID continued. I opened my restaurant this year even though everything has been so trying, but God has His own way.

What I have learnt in 2020 is for you to be firm in your ideology and be upright in anything that you do. You do not need to have plenty before you can impact humanity; do your little bit and definitely that bit will not go unnoticed.

The year 2021 is a time to retrospect and move ahead in my career. I call the year 2021 a time of series because I will be doing a lot of television series and movies.

As for my New Year resolution, I will be closer to God and be more hardworking. I will also build my career as I impact more on the people around me. I will also use this year to position veteran actors as people that are meant to be celebrated.

Bob Manuel Odokwu

For 2020, I was affected like any other Nigerian, especially with the lockdown and not meeting up with most of my plans and things that could have been done for the year based on some programs and travelling. But the greatest achievement is being alive to see the end of 2020.

To be honest, I was not affected so badly like many other Nigerians. I will not give details, but I have the grace of God and I was able to also gain.

I was not among those who had to beg in order to survive in 2020, especially because of COVID-19. I did not feel it that much but I was not able to do a lot of things that I had planned.

I believe that 2021 will be far better than 2020. In my prayers, I had asked for a cure and preventive measure for COVID-19 and I am glad God has answered because, in the developed world, they have said that there are vaccines to combat the COVID-19, even though acceptability is an issue. Hopefully, this vaccine will eradicate the virus the same way Polio and Small Pox were eradicated so that life will get back to normal.

I will not want to expose my plans for 2021 because when I say them, some people can steal those ideas; but a lot of my plans for 2021 are already in motion.

I am in the public eye, so, I do not discuss my plans openly. My friends, fans and even enemies should know that they should watch out for me in 2021.

I stopped doing New Year resolution a long time ago; I do not follow the trend. Every day is a new day; why should people aspire to do things before the December 31or January 1? Resolution should be an everyday resolve in order to impact on humanity for the better.

Bimbo Akintola

We all know that 2020 was a challenging year for all of us, especially with the Coronavirus. It just made all of us realise that we have to stay safe, be careful and realise that life is not forever.

We also have what happened at the Lekki toll gate, which was just a dampener because lives can never be recovered when they are lost and they were young lives. That, for me, was a critical point for anybody that is a citizen of Nigeria. That made 2020 a ‘dramatically horrible’ year.

The pandemic and the deaths made it a sad year filled with horrible incidents. We are hoping that the second wave of COVID-19 will not affect 2021.

I hope that 2021 will be a safer year for all of us; for every single Nigerian. It will be a fruitful year for us. As for a lot of people, 2020 was not fruitful. I am hoping that we would recover everything that was lost in 2021 and gain more than we expected. I hope 2021 is a year of thanksgiving.

I have some plans in 2021 and there is something that is going to happen soon, by May. It is something that is very close to my heart and it is organised by my foundation. By March, the news will be out, but it will happen in May.

We never keep our resolution in Nigeria. I really do not have a New Year resolution, but it is more like an affirmation for me. An affirmation is more important; and mine is to love myself, which is most important. When you love and understand yourself, then you will be able to share love and give love.


The year 2020 was just there because we had no show due to lockdown and COVID-19 pandemic. 2020 was not a nice year; before I can have plans for 2021, we have to pray for the government to open everywhere. I hope the world goes back to normal.

This year, I cancelled most of my shows and tours. We did not have the chance to perform but we pray for a better year and we believe God to answer our prayers. I doubt 2021 can bring a bigger shock than what 2020 showed us.

Big Brother Naija star, Anto

The year 2020 was very introspective because we were locked at home and had a lot to think. I thought about myself, my surroundings, and the people I have in my life. It helped me focus more on the future. I realised that so many people lost their lives randomly just because of the virus. It made me appreciate things more.

In 2021, I will be more prepared because, in 2020, we did not expect what happened. In 2021, we know that COVID-19 still exists and it would make us more prepared.

I, personally, had time to plan what I am going to do in 2021, even though we can never be too sure if we will be able to do it as we are unsure if there will be another lockdown due to the pandemic.

I am more prepared and ready for the year in order to chase my dreams and continue to be happy. I do not really have a New Year resolution but I am just seeking happiness.

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