Dr George Nkweke Chairman of the committee
Some three days ago we were here to see you people and we saw what the people were passing through and we promised to come back and we are here now.
We went back and quickly came back to bring a little soccur by way of foodstuffs and other medications for you.
We came with some foodstuffs like Rice, Garri, yam, Tomatoes , different types of oil and other condiments at least for you to have something that can help I know theres is no way it will be like so comfortable like your individual families.
There is one thing that I told you which I now want you ti compare that his Excellency is out to clean your tears and in any way that its humanity possible to provide you with immediate soccour and immediate Assistance.
In our team as we are coming, we came with medical team, we came with a medical Clinic which shall be positioned here as we leave people with different complains will be given proper attention.
We came with environmental Health officers they are going to be living with you here. They are going to be running shifts. They will come and see what you are passing through, handle some environmental issues and advise you on how you will be going about some Environmental issues and complains.
We are also going to Pembroke one clinic here, we will take one room open a clinic where will be seen as a sick Bay, a Quick one .
As we are here now we just brought immediate relief materials . It is going to be a permanent thing . We are also going to other camps in each local government areas just to give you and immediate Palliative.