Eswatini Urges Citizens To Stop COVID-19 Steaming Because It Spreads COVID-19

Eswatini Urges Citizens To Stop COVID-19 Steaming Because It Spreads COVID-19

The Eswatini Prime Minister has discouraged his people from using a popular method of steaming yourself in hot water with herbs or flue chemicals as a way to manage COVID-19 saying it is a COVID-19 super spreader.
This was communicated by the Eswatini government on Twitter in a tweet that reads:
Acting Prime Minister Themba Masuku has urged Emaswati to immediately stop engaging in the custom of ‘kufukama’ as means to curb the spread of #COVID19. “The custom of kufukama is strongly discouraged as research provides that it is among the super spreaders of the virus.”
Masuku was addressing his kingdom when he said:
It is, however, imperative that we emphasise that the custom of kufukama is strongly discouraged as research from epidemiologists provides that they are among the super spreaders of the virus.
We completely understand that this is an important support system for the bereaved but we plead with Emaswati to stop kufukama with immediate effect to avoid causing more deaths.
We have seen some families lose more than one member in succession due to the observance of kufakama. I implore Emaswati not to allow other voices, either from social media or other platforms, to drown the advice and messages of the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organisation.
At a time when strict adherence to health protocols and regulations is critical, may I also implore Emaswati to completely avoid serving food at funerals.
Last month, the Eswatini President succumbed to COVID-19. Meanwhile steaming, kufukira, kunatira is one of the COVID-19 management measures being used by Zimbabweans in hoping to defeat the infamous virus that has killed 666 Zimbabweans.