Elon Musk gains $8 billion to become world’s fourth-richest person

The rise vaulted the Tesla co-founder past French luxury tycoon Bernard Arnault, the wealthiest non-American on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Musk’s $84.8 billion fortune puts him within $15 billion of Mark Zuckerberg, number three on the ranking of the world’s 500 richest people.

Elon Musk’s financial upswing shows no signs of slowing.
The outspoken entrepreneur is now the world’s fourth-richest person after Tesla Inc. shares surged 11 per cent on Monday, closing at a record high and boosting Musk’s net worth by $7.8 billion.
The rise vaulted the Tesla co-founder past French luxury tycoon Bernard Arnault, the wealthiest non-American on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Musk’s $84.8 billion fortune puts him within $15 billion of Mark Zuckerberg, number t ..

Musk’s fortune has grown by $57.2 billion this year, the second-biggest increase on the index. Inc. founder Jeff Bezos is this year’s biggest gainer, up $73 billion.