EA student union jump to the defence of disillusioned Kampala Varsity comrades

EA student union jump to the defence of disillusioned Kampala Varsity comrades

A regional body of university students has taken up the matter pitting over 300 students against Kampala University – Juba Campus.
The East African Students’ Union (EASU) has since formed a fact-finding committee to look into the matter after a Kampala court gave a judgement that may see hundreds of South Sudanese students fail to acquire legitimate certifications.
The students also lost a court battle against the university when a Kampala court ruled that the institution was not liable for the mess. They had taken the university to court after they were barred from graduating last July.
The regional student body now wants the matter addressed.
At the same time, EASU) is calling on home countries to establish students’ desks at key border points in order to facilitate learners’ access to education.
The matter was raised at an EASU executive meeting held in Kampala, Uganda.
The unions resolved to solve circumstances that inconvenience students in their quest for learning.
The student’s desk would prevent students from being held or arrested by the security officials at the East African borders when going for studies or returning home for holidays.
“After a series of deliberations, the East Africa Students Union adopted the creation of a students’ desk across the borders to ease the movement of East African students seeking an academic pasture in any member state,” the statement partially read.
The union also incorporated the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Students Union.