
Donald Trump Allowed ‘Racist Hysteria’ To Block Efforts From Helping Afghan Allies: Insider

Donald Trump Allowed ‘Racist Hysteria’ To Block Efforts From Helping Afghan Allies: Insider

Donald Trump appears at an event.

Donald Trump allowed the “racist hysteria” of a former top adviser prevent his administration from helping Afghan allies who are now in danger as the Taliban takes control of the country, a former White House official claims.

Trump’s action toward the Taliban, including a controversial prisoner release and peace negotiations that critics say legitimized the once-ousted militant group, have come into focus as they storm back into power. President Joe Biden has followed through with plans set by Trump to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan, with both men now falling under criticism.

Racism Played Role, W.H. Official Says

Donald Trump speaks at a North Carolina GOP convention.

Olivia Troye, who served as homeland security and counterterrorism adviser to Vice President Mike Pence, blasted the former administration on Twitter this week. She claimed that a visa program which could have helped Afghan allies escape the country was not utilized due to fears that others in the administration were raising over immigration.

“There were cabinet mtgs about this during the Trump Admin where Stephen Miller would peddle his racist hysteria about Iraq & Afghanistan. He & his enablers across gov’t would undermine anyone who worked on solving the SIV issue by devastating the system at DHS & State,” Troye tweeted.

Evacuation Efforts in Afghanistan

People in Afghanistan.

With Trump reportedly failing to utilize the program that could have protected some of America’s allies, there is now a rushed and intensive effort to help evacuate some of them. American troops that remain in Afghanistan have been helping secure safe passage out of the country for many who served as interpreters or worked with the U.S. military in other ways. There are fears that the Taliban will target these people in retribution, though Taliban leaders have pledged that they would remain safe.

Miller Played Controversial Role

Stephen Miller speaks to reporters.

This is not the first time that Miller has come in the crosshairs of critics. He played a controversial role during Trump’s term, one of a small number of administration officials to survive all four years without resigning or being fired. Miller reportedly led a number of the more controversial efforts regarding immigration and refugees, including the policy to take migrant children from their parents after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border and place them in detention centers. The policy was later scrapped amid international outrage.

Trump Criticized For Approach To Taliban

Members of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Trump has also been criticized for his approach to the Taliban while in office, including his request to release prisoners that included the now-leader of Afghanistan. He drew more fire this week for apparent praise of the Taliban as strong and determined fighters.

“The Taliban, good fighters, I will tell you, good fighters. You have to give them credit for that. They’ve been fighting for a thousand years. What they do is they fight,” Trump told Sean Hannity during an appearance on Fox News, via Vanity Fair. “The Taliban has circled the airport, and who knows if they’re going to treat us right? All of a sudden, they’ll say—well, frankly, if they were smart, they’d really—and they are smart. They are smart. They should let the Americans out.”

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