#BBTitans: Ebubu & Tsastii Have Won the HOH Title for this Week

#BBTitans: Ebubu & Tsastii Have Won the HOH Title for this Week
The Head of House challenge for the second week in the Big Brother Titans house took place a few minutes ago, and Ebubu and Tsastii (the Royals) emerged as the winners.
The Royals and Maya (Marvin and Yaya) qualified for the last round. Yaya and Tsastii both played on behalf of their pairs.
The HOH challenge was in three rounds. In round 1, the housemates were told to throw three balls at a target board and try to get the highest number. The task had to be done in three minutes. In Round 2, the housemates had to flip cups that were set on tables in front of them. The housemates who flipped the most cups will move on to the next round. For round 3, they put the numbers on a square outline on a table in ascending order and then ran to their seats.
Congratulations, to the new HOHs.