As A Gospel Singer, One Can’t Survive Without God’s Inspiration —Bunmi Sunkanmi

As A Gospel Singer, One Can’t Survive Without God’s Inspiration —Bunmi Sunkanmi
Inspired by the Holy Spirit to make music and write songs that will touch lives and inspire people, gospel singer and songwriter, Bunmi Sunkanmi, shares the story of her gospel journey in this interview with SEGUN ADEBAYO.
As a gospel singer who is based in the US, how would you describe the journey so far?
I am grateful to God for putting me on this career path and supplying me with all the resources to make the journey easy over the years. I always tell people that when you follow your spiritual calling, God is ever faithful to bring you through the journey and make it easy for you. My career in the music ministry started in 2001 when I released my first album entitled “Give Thanks to The Lord.” Making music from the US has been filled with God’s blessings and grace.
The truth is that I have been coping well because I’m not limited; I flow with any song as long as I’m inspired. My journey so far has been amazing, though there are several challenges and I have gone through certain difficult times but God has been kind to me to conquer my troubled times on this journey. One thing that is very important is that I have learnt to always trust God.
What exactly prepared you for this music journey?
As I said earlier, nothing prepares anyone for a journey outside God. You can’t exist in isolation unless you don’t serve the living God. He’s the source of every journey any Christian embarks upon. This music journey was inspired by God over two decades ago and my inspiration flows from Him. I make bold to say that the Holy Spirit ministers to me.
How does the Holy Spirit minister to you?
The Holy Spirit has been the one revealing things to come to me; teaching me songs.
I have been in music ministry for more than two decades now and what has kept me going is consistency. I have remained committed to my craft and stayed focused. I have made the Holy Spirit my partner on this journey a long time ago and I have never regretted doing so. People find it hard to believe that but it is the truth.
After the release of your first album, we didn’t hear from you in a while until you came back with another one seven years after. What took you so long?
Yes, I had to stay off music for a while to attend to family matters. I have had to raise two kids and focus on other domestic activities that would not allow me to make music. Not that I wasn’t making songs but I was concentrating on being there for my family and trusting God to see me through it all. It was a challenging moment but everything worked together in the end for my good and here we are today.
Tell us about your new album and what is the driving force behind it?
To the glory of God I’m releasing a new album on August 26 and the title is “God has Spoken.” He has been my helper and the spirit behind the good work. It has been a long but fruitful journey to bring this body of work together. We didn’t just want to make an ordinary album; we wanted to ensure that every soul that listens is blessed and touched at the point where God’s presence is needed in their lives.
What makes this special from other albums you have made?
This album is fully loaded and special; there are many songs that have been long overdue, and because now is the time, things are just in order; it is stress-free. It speaks about the glory of God and its powerful manifestation, which no one can share with Him. When the Lord has spoken, something new must happen. This album is about God’s spoken promises to His people, especially in this moment when the world seems to be in turmoil. For me, this is the album for this season and many more seasons ahead of us. We didn’t just come up with the title by ourselves, it was inspired by God’s spoken words.