
Zambian Government Urged to Fulfill Economic and Social Promises to Address Poverty and Unemployment

Zambian Government Urged to Fulfill Economic and Social Promises to Address Poverty and Unemployment

General News  Zambian Government Urged to Fulfill Economic and Social Promises to Address Poverty…

The new leadership in Zambia must prioritize the fulfilment of the economic and social promises made during the election campaign in order to address issues of poverty and unemployment, according to Ambassador Anthony Mukwita. Speaking on a live TV programme in Lusaka, Mukwita addressed the need for the government to take action on several pressing issues facing the country.

One major concern is the rising prices of fuel, which have a knock-on effect on the cost of living and contribute to increasing poverty. Mukwita also highlighted the shortages of drugs in hospitals as a pressing issue that needs to be addressed.

Additionally, Mukwita called for clarity on the foreign policy of Zambia, particularly in regards to the relationships with China and the United States. He also emphasized the issue of the late distribution of agro inputs, such as fertilizer, which can hinder the ability of farmers to produce crops and contribute to food insecurity.

Mukwita urged the government to stop “cooling off” and instead focus on delivering on its promises to the people of Zambia. He stressed that the current administration has a chance to make a positive difference in the remaining years of its term, but warned that if it fails to deliver, it may face the same backlash as the previous administration. He emphasized that Zambians are looking for tangible results and will not accept excuses or the “tired blame game” of blaming the previous administration for current problems.

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