
Femi Fani-Kayode: US 2020 – Why Donald Trump will win in November

Femi Fani-Kayode: US 2020 – Why Donald Trump will win in November

President Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America and the head of the free world, is God’s annointed. Nothing and nobody can remove that from him or stop him. He is the scriptural King Cyrus in Isaiah 45. He is God’s “ace in the hole” who came to “manufacture the dividers” and through him the dividers of the Church in America will be remade.

The established press can outrage and belittle him all they like and they can even get a portion of his companions, partners, family members and associates to boycott, trash, create stories and lie about him just to annihilate his validity and stop him however it has no effect.

Every one of them set up combined with all the powers of hellfire and their lord satan can’t stop a man who has been annointed and picked by the Living GOD to lead a country and the free world. It is the thing that God purposes that is important and that’s it.

The Bible says, “Once has it been composed and twice has it been heard that all force has a place with God and the Heavens do manage in the undertakings of men”. When the Lord has proclaimed a thing and His motivation is set up and clear, the discernments and assessment of humans amount to nothing and changes nothing.

The Lord rules in the undertakings of men and manufactures the predetermination of countries. He is amazing in fight and irresistable and His will can’t be ruined.

Do you believe that it is unintentionally that Trump has conquered each deterrent that has been set in his manner by the Dems in the course of the most recent 4 years?

Do you think it is unintentionally that he risen, despite seemingly insurmountable opposition as the Republican faction competitor in 2016 despite the fact that all previous Republican presidents and most driving Republicans were against him?

Do you feel that it was unintentionally that he continued ricocheting ready to take on the world throughout the years despite the fact that he was announced bankrupt a few times and had various disappointments?

Do you imagine that it was unintentionally that for a mind-blowing duration when he had money related issues the banks continued rescuing him and giving him one more opportunity and his companions continued supporting him?

Do you imagine that it was unintentionally that he hitched a few times and that every one fizzled and slammed till the correct lady tagged along?

Do you imagine that it was coincidentally that he stood up more than some other American President ever, living or dead, about the murdering and oppression of Christians everywhere on the world and especially in countries like Nigeria?

Do you think it was coincidentally that the primary prescience where he was referenced by name by attempted, tried and regarded righteous men that one day he would be President of America and head of the free world turned out in 1986, the second in 1996, the third in 2007 and afterward at long last the fourth in 2014.

Many taunted the predictions at that point and marked him dishonorable and reckless however in 2016, to the awe of the whole world, the Lord regarded His statement.

God can’t be stood up to. He sees the core of men and settles on His decisions appropriately. Furthermore, nor is He a liar. When He has expressed His statement stands and it can’t be adjusted, opposed or prematurely ended.

The narrative of Joseph, David, Moses, Gideon, Jeptha, Cyrus, Jehu and innumerable others in the Bible demonstrates that. What’s more, as a rule it is the most loathed, dismissed, most vulnerable, inadequate, detested and far-fetched that He lifts up and uses to lead, run and convey countries and take His kin to the guarantee land.

His ways are not our ways. He sees and realizes what we don’t see and know and His decisions are rarely off-base. In David we saw a philanderer and a killer yet He considered him to be a man after His heart.

In Moses we saw an enthusiastic, furious, disgraceful and spoiled child of Pharaoh and executioner yet He saw an incredible deliverer. In Gideon we saw a man from the littlest family and generally shameful of the apparent multitude of clans and tribes in Israel yet He saw an extraordinary man of courage.

The Lord’s ways are not our ways and His contemplations are not our own. He can’t lie and He doesn’t commit errors.

In 2015 , I composed an article in which I said that the hand of God was on Trump and that he would win the selection as flagbearer for the Republican faction. Many said I wasn’t right and in Nigeria many offended me (I am utilized to that). I was demonstrated right when he won.

In 2016, I composed another article in which I said that Trump would vanquish Hilary Clinton in the official political decision. Again many couldn’t help contradicting me and again numerous in Nigeria, who had been programmed and deceived by CNN and the phony news media, offended me. Again I was demonstrated right and he proceeded to win.

I am expressing unmistakably and completely since Trump will win the official political race and destruction Joe Biden in November after which he will introduce an incredible period of reclamation of success, goodness, temperances and classic Christian qualities in America.

Many will differ with me and affront me again yet by and by I will be demonstrated right since I am being driven by the Spirit of God who is a revealer of privileged insights to the individuals who know Him.

Trump’s power and incredible achievement is an affirmation and satisfaction of the sacred writing that says “the Lord utilizes the silly things of this world to puzzle the insight of the astute”.

Many consider Trump to be being absurd, discourteous, reckless, grumpy, delinquent and bullish however God sees and realizes that he generally will be caring, bold, cherishing, God-dreading, direct and kind. He may not be a holy messenger and he may not be a genuine adherent however nor was Cyrus.

God utilizes whom He considers fit to reestablish and to impact His motivation and it closes there. On the off chance that you disapprove of His decisions, at that point accuse Him and not the object of His adoration or the individual He picks.

In 2008 when Obama entered the ring for the official race I composed a paper in which I said he would win however that he would visit America with extraordinary insidiousness. I was demonstrated right.

I composed another exposition in 2012 not long before the second political race in which again I said something very similar and I composed that Obama was preparing for satan’s New World Order. Again I was demonstrated right and he presented the most profane and against Christian practices throughout the entire existence of America and tried to legitimize them for the sake of “yes we can”.

In Obama’s reality it was praiseworthy and even honorable for men to wed men, for ladies to wed ladies and for premature births to occur in their millions.

More regrettable still, he pronounced America a non-Christian country, criticized the Church, derided the sacred texts, befouled Christian qualities, changed the name of Christmas to “blessed day” and restricted Christmas from the White House.

Generally shocking of everything was the way that he traded and forced these devilish qualities and against Christ ways of thinking to a great part of the remainder of the world.

Trump was God’s ace card in 2016 and he told the truth to up Obama’s wreck. He has done as such throughout the previous four years and He will do as such for an additional four years. This is prophetic and it will happen.

License me to end with the accompanying. At the point when everything looks good and if our country stays together the Lord will raise a Trump-like figure for Nigeria as well and everything will be made lovely.

We are a dull country, with a dim name, with a dim heart and in a dim landmass yet God has His motivation for us. In the completion of time, He will raise an incredible deliverer, an advanced Jehu, who will deliver His radiant light, set up equity and change our fortunes. Of this I have no uncertainty.

Each type of malevolent and underhanded administration has an expiry date and we are nearly there if the Nigerian individuals themselves see it.

God’s motivation will be set up in our nation, His direction will stand, His will be done and His name will be celebrated at the named time paying little heed to the underhanded that by and by rules and that has ruled throughout the previous 60 years.

Till then satan and his operators can rake and tirade as much as they prefer. On the off chance that America can endure its malicious history of prejudice, hardness, bad form and mercilessness and be reestablished so can Nigeria.

In the event that America can endure Obama and the Clinton’s, at that point Nigeria can endure Buhari and 60 years of bad form, ineptitude, evildoing and fiendishness. It is prophetic. Affront and censure the courier as much as possible be stood up to.

At last to Donald Trump I state: “Overlook the abuses, disdain the disgrace, disdain the double crossers and evade those that have reimbursed your great with evil. Remove that veil, come out strongly and face your adversaries with quality and boldness! Be the lion and fighter that you have consistently been and dread God alone! Go forward, talk truth, disgrace your adversaries and depreciators and prevail. The Presidency is yours in November as is the authority of the free world: the Lord wills it! God favor you and God favor America!”

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