
See The Nigerian Doctor Who Removed An Unborn Baby From The Womb And Returned It Back After The Operation, He Is A Graduate Of Obafemi Awolowo University

Its no doubt a very good thing to hear that Nigerians are doing exceptional things outside the contrary. This no doubt goes a long way in creating a good image for the country.

You would be proud to be a Nigerian after reading this because Dr. Oluyinka Olutoye graduated from Obafemi Awolowo University; thus, he is an African, a Nigerian, and also Black, he is not a Yahoo Boy or a Criminal. So share the article with others to let them know that you are proud of being a Nigerian.

Some years back, a particular woman, Margaret Boemer went for a routine ultrasound at 16 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors found out on the scan that something was seriously wrong with the baby. The Scan reveals that the baby had “Sacrococcygeal Teratoma”. Well, let me break down the long word for you.

It simply means that the baby has been growing with a tailbone from the coccyx inside the womb. This tumor only occurs in one out of every 35,000 births.

The Co-director of the Texas Children’s Fetal Center where the woman was checked, Dr. Darrell Cass reveals that the baby can be born with it but it may lead to complications because of a blood flow problem. He further explains that this tumor is growing further by sucking blood flow from the baby.

Meanwhile, the baby is also struggling to grow, so the competition was so intense. So, incase this deadly tumor suddenly wins the competition, the heart goes into failure and the baby will die. So, to avoid that, the Doctor advised her that something needs to be done.

Well, other doctors from different hospitals had earlier advised Margaret to abort the pregnancy but being a sad mother who just lost one of her twin children, she wanted another child so badly.


Before the operation, she was told that the baby does not have much chance of survival because at 23weeks the tumor was already winning the fight and shutting the heart of the baby down which was causing a cardiac arrest. So, it is up to the mother to make a decision to let the surgery be done or allow the tumor to take over her body.

As a desperate mother who wants a child so badly, she decides to give the child a chance at life. So, surgery was planned at 23 weeks and 5 days of pregnancy. Here is the full story, the Co-director of the hospital, Dr. Cass could not have done it alone so, he invited many surgeons and the surgery was led by our Nigerian-born Doctor Olutoye Olayinka. By this time of the operation, the tumor was nearly larger than the fetus.

Dr. Oluyinka is a graduate of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife Nigeria where he obtained his first degree as a Medical Doctor. Dr. Olutoye Olayinka became globally recognized after he carried out a successful operation on an unborn baby and return the baby back into the mother’s womb.

Dr. Oluyinka co-led the team to perform a baby in-utero surgery in a Texas Hospital. They were 21 Medical Practitioners who performed the surgery alongside, Dr. Cass.

Before the Surgery, the Doctors had already placed the mother and her fetus on general anesthesia and a part of the unborn baby where that tumor was located was brought out of the uterus for operation.

Dr. Oluyinka alongside his professional team of 21 Doctors removed the fetus and try as much as possible to remove all the mass and then return the baby back to her mother. The Actual fetus was removed and operated for just 21 minutes and most of the time was spent opening the uterus which he describes as the Big Muscle Lined with Membranes.

They placed the woman on check for 36 weeks until she gave birth after some weeks of the surgery. After the baby was born she faces more ordeal as the tumor that the Surgeons were unable to reach started to grow again but at 8 days old, she was operated on again where all the rest of the tumor was successfully and totally removed.

Currently, Dr. Olutoye has been appointed as a professor and the E. Thomas Boles Chairs of pediatric surgery at the Ohio State University College of Medicine. He is also serving as a primary surgical liaison between the Nationwide Children and the OSU (Ohio State University) College of Medicine.

This Nigerian-born Doctor is making Nigeria and Africa proud globally. Everything starts from Africa, Nigeria at Obafemi Awolowo University in 1988 where he earned his first medical degree.

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