40-year-old man runs to Kibaale district authorities over beating wife

40-year-old man runs to Kibaale district authorities over beating wife
- Written by URN
A 40-year-old man in Kibaale district has sought the help of Kayanja sub-county authorities over repeated beatings by his wife.
The complainant, Emmanuel Wandimbo, a resident of Katwetwe village accuses his wife, Juliet Mwesige of mercilessly beating him until it became unbearable.
According to Wandimbo, Mwesige always returns home late from the trading centre and demands food. When he questions her about her whereabouts, she often becomes violent, as was the case on Sunday when she allegedly poured water mixed with red pepper into his eyes.
Wandimbo says that he has reached out to local authorities, including the office of the LC I chairperson for help to no avail. He has now reported the matter to the sub-county authorities for appropriate redress.
John Byamukama, the Katwetwe LC I chairperson acknowledged Mwesige’s violent behaviour and advised Wandimbo to seek help from the sub-county leadership.
Proscovia Kusiima, a resident, claims that despite attempts to counsel Mwesige, she has maintained her violent streak. Mwesige maintains that her husband is being misled by others in the area to chase her away from their marital home.